This course provides graduates with the higher education knowledge and skills necessary to practice physiotherapy via an accelerated programme which builds on prior learning and experience. Students gain an in-depth understanding of the concepts, principles and theories of: musculoskeletal therapy, cardiorespiratory therapy, neurological rehabilitation, client-based practice, analysis of human movement, international context of practice, practice evaluation and development and the research process. The students get excellent career prospects with wide ranging opportunities in this varied, challenging and highly rewarding profession. They can be employed in Government or private hospitals, nursing homes, private clinics with handsome wages. The most attractive opportunity is the field of teaching at college and university level as lectures, Assistant Professor etc. Those who want can be enrolled for Ph.D. programmes and create wonders in the field of educational and therapeutic field through research. Rest as B.P.T. The students may take up the course (MPT.) in the following deciplene :
- Ortho
- sports
- Cardio
- Neuro